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张家界而且天门山(zhangjiajie & tianmen mountain)

Writer: maura knutsenmaura knutsen

So many adventures! I would dare say this trip has been my favorite for three reasons: 1. The views were BREATHTAKING! I wasn't expecting such beauty from these Avatar Mountains, but I am so grateful for the many speechless moments that left me grinning from ear to ear. 2. For the first time since being here in China I got to see the stars. No joke! During the first night the sky happened to be perfectly clear as we drove to our hostel (which was in the middle of nowhere, I might add. what an adventure to get there). As I looked up, I was able to see the stars I've been missing so much. What a blessing. 3. I got to experience it all with my best friend. Ali and I finally got to go on a trip together, and let me tell ya: it's been a long time since I've laughed until my stomach hurt or heel clicked so much people stare. I am beyond grateful for this past weekend and the people that have made it special. Thanks to Ali and her cute group of teachers for letting me join them on this unforgettable adventure. NOW... on to the pictures. Our cute hostel was about forty-five minutes away from the train station, and we walked

about five minutes to the entrance of ZhangJiaJie National Forest. This was the first cable-car we took up the mountains. The sky was so blue which I loved! The cable-way went across several of these tall peaks (the mountains looked similar to those in Guilin, yet different). When we reached the top, we got to see the valley from one side and from the other: Avatar Mountains as far as we could see poking up from the earth. Apparently the movie "Avatar" was based off this place, which was neat to learn. We were so high in the air! My brain could not comprehend what I was looking at. Ali and I

exchanged many dumbfounded looks. :) It was a little chilly with a slight breeze, but with the sun shining, it was perfect. Like I said, I have very few words to describe the views.

Now, after we had toured the park for many hours we had to get down one of the tallest peaks. I don't think any of us were prepared for the elevator ride down an Avatar Mountain. It was SO COOL! Also, it was such a treat to be accompanied by thirty or so Chinese people all in the same elevator. :) It's a good thing I am a whole head taller than

all of them. :) It was amazing to realize how high we were from the ground. Crazy! :)

What an adventure it was and I can't remember the last time I smiled so much. We returned to our hostel later that night but decided to try a Western style restaurant in town. I ordered a New York steak... I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was thoroughly surprised to eat french fries, pizza, and my steak was the best attempt I've seen at a steak since being here! :) In all honesty, all their Western food wasn't the best, but it was

definitely good to eat food from home. haha. That night we enjoyed the chilled weather as the sun set and stayed up late talking and laughing. So much fun! The next morning we were up bright and early to head to TianMen Mountain (which is a fifteen minute walk from the train station). Watching the sunrise on the drive there was such a treat. I'm glad I have ridden in a cable-car before because the one up Tian Men was HUGE!

this picture was taken right as we got off the cable-car.

On the way up, we even got to see the rode we would take down... it has been labeled as one of the scariest and most dangerous roads to drive on in the world... I believe it. This

sketchiest road I've ever been on. :)

is the view of the sketchiest road I've ever seen in my life from the cable-car. :) hehe. And we drove down that... :) Stories to come later in the post. Again, the views were amazing!

view on the way up. the sun was rising which was beautiful! we got to see streaks of light come cascading down the mountain sides into the valley.

All eight of us knew we wanted to walk on one of the famous glass bridges, so naturally, that's what we did. On the way across the mountain, wooden walkways stretched across the side of these peaks along with bridges between each walkway. For those afraid of heights, it was extremely high in the air. :) Oh my goodness, it was so cool! I loved every

second of it. I even did a few heel clicks on the bridge/walkway you see above. The glass bridge did not disappoint! I felt as though I was on top of the world. And I couldn't get

over the red socks they had everyone wear on the bridge. :) It was slightly foggy that day, which made the mountains seem to stick out even farther from the ground as you couldn't see where they began. What a sight! I had a hard time thinking I had to leave.

On the way down, we took the escalators to what they call the "Gateway to Heaven". There were 999 stairs! Luckily, we climbed down them, but I ran up a few to say I walked up the stairs. :) I may or may not have tripped once or twice, but I didn't fall, which is a

miracle. haha. Now, my favorite adventure of the weekend: riding down the sketchiest road I have ever seen. I fell out of my seat twice since the seat-belts didn't really work... or even exist. But we lived, so it's all good! We all were laughing so hard and screaming going around these turns that seemed to be close to 180 degrees at times. So many

laughs. :) Wow. It was so hard to leave this place... I never thought I would find such a beautiful place in China, but here I am, offering prayer after prayer of gratitude for the experience of seeing it all. I am so grateful for the girls that made this past weekend one of my favorites and especially the best friend. :) Can't wait for the next adventure.

best friends on a glass bridge so completely happy.

check out the elevator ride video! it was beautiful, crowded, and such an adventure!

we also saw monkeys... :)



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life is too great of an adventure to stay in one place.

thank you to all the people that have helped me get this far. special thank you to my mom, dad, brother and best friend.

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