Well... my bags are all packed. It's quite sad to see my room so bare and think I have four months of my life packed into two suitcases and a backpack. CRAZY! This week I have spent as much time as I possibly can with everyone I have met and come to love.

Me and my roommate, Sadaf, enjoyed dinner at my favorite Korean restaurant. We talked about the differences in our cultures and even what we want in life. It was wonderful to get to know her better. This entire semester she has supported me and made me laugh on some of the difficult days. She is an example to me of perseverance and strength. "I love you, Sadaf. I will miss you..." (This entire week has been me saying goodbye, so as you can imagine, my heart physically hearts. But I consider it a blessing I have made so many friends who have made it difficult to leave). Now, saying goodbye to my classmates was EXTREMELY difficult for me. At the end of my LAST CLASS hearing the LAST BELL looking out from my lookout for the LAST TIME hearing my Chinese name from my professors for the LAST TIME... Oh man... LiLaoShi, the professor that I grew closest too this semester, pulled me close into a tight hug. In my ear she whispered how proud she was of me. She encouraged me to keep studying and continue to be a great student-in all aspects of life. Yes... I did shed a few tears. But c'mon! Who wouldn't?! After she let me go, she held my hand as she addressed the class telling them how much I had improved and she asked all the students to give me one last hug before I left. In an attempt to not make it as sad as it was, we decided to take one last group picture. Oh my goodness, I love them all. To my classmates: "Thank you for being patient

with me. Thank you for helping me learn more of the language I love. Thank you for your jokes and constant teasing. Thank you... thank you for being a apart of my China experience that has changed my life." Before I left the classroom, I gave LiLaoShi another hug. At the beginning of the semester I told her my goals were to have her be

proud of me and improve my language skills. It makes me so happy to have achieved both those goals. To LiLaoShi: "I love you. Thank you for being such a phenomenal professor. I have learned not only more about the language, but how to step out of my comfort zone. You have encouraged me every step of the way, and I am so grateful for you. You will always have a special place in my heart." Now, about half way through the semester I was on the subway and a cute little girl (about 7) approached me and started speaking English, with her mother watching with a smile. After a while, I offered my WeChat to the mother so I could continue to practice with Suzie. Every week or so, I would get a voice recording along with a short story. I would listen and help Suzie improve her pronunciation and ask questions about the story. I can't tell you how hard it was for me to listen to her say, "I love you. I miss you. I love you much" on our last recording because I told her I was leaving. To Suzie: "I love you so much, cute girl. Keep

studying. Keep working hard. I will always be thinking of you." It's amazing how I met a girl that gave me an opportunity to serve in the middle of the subway... I love that. Also this week, I went to dinner with one of my classmates, Max (Canada), and a student from Thailand. Her name is Lena, and I have been helping her prepare an English song for the upcoming New Year's Gala. We enjoyed traditional Chinese barbecue, which is probably my favorite type of food here. Just saying. It was a night filled with great food

and great conversation. I have loved getting to know each of them and seeing their smiling faces. Before we said our goodbyes, we agreed we would see each other again, even if we would travel across the world. I have NO PROBLEM with that. :) Also this week, I went to lunch with Jane, one of the two that helped me when I first arrived in China. She is beautiful, inside and out. We enjoyed a hot pot lunch and she was so

impressed with how much my Chinese had improved. She asked me questions about American culture and I even helped her plan her trip to New York City. To Jane: "Since the first day I met you, you have been there for me. Thank you for encouraging me and always reminding me I can do anything I set my mind too. I will miss you and your smiling face. I love you." It was sad to say goodbye, but I hope it wasn't the last time I will see her. Now, in an attempt to not think about the sad fact that I am leaving, me and the girls had a Christmas party last night! We went to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants near campus. The entire dinner we reminisced and even read our list of quotes we had made throughout the semester. SO MANY LAUGHS! After dinner, we headed into WuYi square where we found a KTV (karaoke). It was one of the first things we did when we first met each other, so it was only fitting to go one last time before I left. It was SO FUN! We all lost our voices as we left, giving each other hugs and walking back to the bus. I love these girls... I love them with all my heart. At the end of the day, I

I know they were a blessing. I came to China by myself, and I'm leaving with three dearest friends. To my girls: "I love you. Thank you for the laughs. I didn't expect it to be so hard to say goodbye, but promise me this isn't the last time we will see each other. There will always be a place in my heart for you. Love you and I wish you all the best." There were some I wasn't able to get a picture with, but I will never forget them. LiuLaoShi... to the professor who has watched me grow for three years now: "Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for challenging me and pushing me to be the best I could have been. Thank you for always smiling at me and making my day. I love you. Thank you for being my professor. You will ALWAYS be one of my greatest teachers." To the day guard in the dorm: "Thank you for always being excited to see me and frantically waving your hand in a greeting. Thank you for always offering to help me and secretly giving me candy/food as I head out the door. Thank you for making me smile." To the lady who owns the fruit cart: "I saw you nearly every single day and you helped me learn the names of fruits in Chinese. You had a bowl ready for me as I approached with a smile on your face. Thank you for being so kind and welcoming." I have so many "thank you's"... It really has been the people that have helped make this experience as grand as it is. To everyone I have met in China: "Thank you. Thank you for changing my life for the better. I love you all."
Why do "goodbye's" hurt so badly?! Ugh. I am so grateful for the people that have helped change my life. My family is arriving in less than 8 hours... I've said my "goodbye's" to the people, but I still have a week and a half with China. I am going to soak it all in before I have to leave my home... here's to the next adventure, and how wonderful it will be with my family.