GREAT NEWS! Not sure if I already posted about it but: my checked bag was found and delivered! Yehaw! I now have all my stuff, which is SUCH a relief. Shout out the Beijing airport for coming in clutch and tracking my bag back to Changsha. You the true homies. haha.
Well, everything is great here in Changsha. Today was the first official day of classes, which were quite enjoyable. I took a placement test last week and scored really high in which I was placed in the intermediate/difficult class, but for the first couple weeks I am trying out the intermediate course because they focus on grammar, which is where I struggle the most. Nonetheless, I am so proud of myself for testing so high. *self high five* I'm planning on taking the HSK test in December which could be compared to the ACT but everything is in Mandarin... :) It should be fun! My classes are Monday-Thursday: 8-11:40 and Friday 10-11:40. In my opinion, it is the PERFECT schedule so I can study and have fun at night with my friends! I really lucked out.
I've had quite a few people ask me: "What does your school look like?" So, hopefully the following pictures give you a little taste of what I get to see every day. This is the main

entrance to Hunan Normal University. Also, behind the gate-looking structure thing there is another piece of concrete that reads, "Be humane, caring, intelligent, and industrious." I have always found that to be extremely neat. Across the street from where this picture was taken is the Tian Ji river. Now, this picture shows the road I live

on! In the background you can see a shop with red characters above the door... that is the supermarket I go to for grapefruit powerade, authentic moon cakes, and Lay's lime chips... I mean, I also go there to get my water, but that's not as fun. :) This road is normally packed with cars and motorcycles, so it is rare to have a clear picture. Yehaw!

This road is just east of Mu Lan Road. The building where I have my classes is just behind me (don't fret, it's the next picture if you wanted to see. :)) This road (Taozihu Road) is the main thoroughfare to the main street of Changsha. Again, I was able to capture a picture before the traffic started. The #1 traffic rule here in China is this: don't obey any traffic laws and you are golden! No joke. You kind of just go and hope they stop, but if they don't, then you have to get out of the way. It took me a good three days to get used to that. haha. As promised, this picture is of the building where I study. It

may not look like much, but it is one of the nicest buildings on campus. I climb three flights of stairs to get to class, so it helps me wake up, which is nice. I am in the same classroom, #312, for every class with ten minute breaks every hour and a twenty minute break when we switch subjects. Let me clarify: every day I have two classes. Each class meets for two one-hour periods, then we switch subjects. Also, there is a bell that sounds to indicate when we have breaks and it scares me every. single. time. I haven't had a bell since high school! haha. I'm thinking that the bell, which is a song, will be playing in my dreams by the end of these four months. :) This is what my building looks

like on the inside. It is very pretty. I'm not allowed to have my phone in the classroom, but hopefully I can sneak a picture sometime soon. Fingers crossed! Also, can we talk about how my classroom has air conditioning AND heating, and it was the greatest news I have received in a while. Praise! Today was unique. It wasn't only the first day of classes, but it was also the introductory assembly for all students. I was up bright and early around 6:00 AM to get ready. We were escorted to our school stadium and positioned in rows in a precise way. It was quite different than the assemblies I've been

to in the States. :) The entire assembly was in Mandarin, but I was able to understand quite a bit of it, which was really cool. There were performances from different groups within the school ranging from musicians to dancers. It was really neat to see a different culture in the performances. After the assembly, we were excused to go to class! And I mentioned before, they were awesome. My professors are wonderful, and I'm excited to get into the content. Now, this is one of my FAVORITE things to eat here in China. I have

eaten nearly 30 of them already. They are called "dao sha bao" or "red bean dumplings". They are extremely sweet, yet thick and filling. I spend $.35 every time I buy two... I am really scared about spending too much on them. haha. I go to the same shop to buy them because they are best here. The shop is two doors down in this picture. The couple that run the place always ask me if I want the same thing when they see me. It's pretty awesome. OH AND ALSO, sorry I haven't introduced you to my cute roommate!

Her name is Sdf (see-dif) and she is from Pakistan. She is studying to become a doctor and has been here for three years and has two more to go. We get along extremely well and look out for each other. We have had interesting conversations about the differences in our culture and even what some of our beliefs are. It has definitely been an experience meeting Sdf and learning from her. I look up to her in nearly every way.
Well, Changsha is wonderful. I am far ahead in my SUU online classes as well, so I don't feel very much pressure regarding those, which is nice. I can focus on what I came here for: improving my Mandarin skills. I have been told by my friends that I have an accent when I speak English now, and even speak irregularly since my mind has shifted to Chinese grammar. :) BUT, it means I'm learning, right? How cool is that? I'm glad that the past few days have been great. I'm ready for what comes next. I hope you all are doing well and living the best life!