President Scott Wyatt, Stephen Allen, Jacob Ung from Southern Utah University along with esteemed professors/teachers from Iron County School District visited Changsha to help celebrate the 80th Birthday of Hunan Normal University and I felt honored to be included in the festivities. I was one of four guides that helped translate and guide the group to their destinations. Friday night included dinner at a traditional Changsha restaurant. It made me smile to discuss the use of spicy peppers in all the dishes. I comforted them all by telling them I felt the same way when I first arrived, but now it doesn't phase me. We then enjoyed

a presentation by the current students and even alumni from Hunan Normal University. It was so neat to see various talents displayed. The culture of China will forever astound me.

On Saturday, I was up bright and early to accompany the group to another presentation in the arena on campus. It was outside, and the sky was so blue. I felt so grateful to have such nice weather for our guests. I was featured in a public news article since I was sitting in the center with the professors. I guess my blonde hair stood out in the crowd. :) During this event, President Wyatt addressed the audience and did a wonderful job. For those who may not know, Southern Utah University and Hunan Normal University are partner universities. So, the relationship between the faculty members is very close. It was neat to see. After the event, the group decided they wanted to hike! You know what that means! Up YueLu Mountain we went! It was a little warm, but perfect weather for hiking. The views were breathtaking, especially since there was little smog. Here we are at the entrance to YueLu

Mountain. What a good lookin' group, am I right? I truly enjoyed talking with each of them, and learned a great deal from their experiences and thoughts they shared with me. After the hike, we headed to Orange Island! The sunset was gorgeous, and again I was so grateful for the nice weather for them to enjoy. After the Island, we headed home and I helped take a few from the group to the store. It was difficult to leave them, but I truly enjoyed the opportunity I had to help make their trip a success. I am grateful for the connections I have made this weekend. I look forward to meeting them again when I return to Cedar City. It truly made me feel so honored to have President Wyatt, Stephen Allen and Jacob Ung all tell me how proud they were of me and the work I have done. Also, nearly every individual from the Iron County Board mentioned how brave it was for me to be here on my own and have found so much success. What a compliment for me to receive. I am beyond grateful for these people and the opportunity they have given me. I love my life here.
