19 days before November 10, 2018 my friend Alice invited me to join an International Running team going to ChangDe for a half marathon. Naturally, I said yes! It's been on my bucket list, and even though I hadn't been training (the longest I had ran in China was 8 miles) I knew I wanted to go. What an experience! I was sponsored by Xtra Running Club, and even got free gear! We left Friday night so we could enjoy the city before the race. I loved getting to know the people on our team. Our team had nine people: from Russia, Yemen, Zambia, Egypt, China, and even Pakistan. Sorry the quality

is so poor. BUT, you can still see them! This is us at the start line! Funny story: we were at the race an hour before start time for warm-ups, but weren't allowed to approach the line for some reason. We watched the thousands of other racers begin to line up, so we were extremely confused. As the ten minute mark drew closer, they escorted us to the VERY FRONT! Then, Chinese national television featured us in their documentation of the race. IT GOT TO BE ON NATIONAL TELEVISION! Yehaw! As I looked down the road, I realized what I had gotten myself into. But, no turning back! I put in my music, and got ready to race. I heard the gun fire, and off we went! It was such a beautiful run. We raced through the city for the first 7 km, then around LiuLi Lake for the remaining 14 km. Around 10 km, I questioned why I was doing it to myself. :) And around 19 km, I was in so much pain I may or may not have shed a few tears. I was stopped about 5 times (physically stopped) by Chinese nationals that wanted to take a picture together. It was so hard to smile since I was in so much pain. haha. The last two kilometers were a piece of cake. The last kilometer, I sprinted to the finish line. As I rounded the last corner, I saw the finish line and was so happy. I heel clicked across the finish line, and it was the most rewarding feeling I have ever experienced. I finished my first half marathon in 2:16.

I am so proud! I finally got to cross "run a half marathon" off my bucket list! This is the

finish line at a ancient town in ChangDe. It was beautiful! However, I could barely walk because I was so sore, but I enjoyed it from afar. :) It still baffles me that I was able to

run a half marathon. I am so glad I pushed myself to do it. It was the most difficult physical thing I have ever done, but it was the so rewarding. Look how big my smile is! Yes, I am so sore. :) But I am so happy!
