For those of you that follow me on Instagram, you know that I have finally been able to find happiness here in China. Let me tell you something: Life can be SO hard. Even being on this adventure, excited to be in a new place and loving life, I struggled... I struggled so much the first few days I was here. I missed my home, my family, the food (oh my gosh, the food), and even just feeling like I was home. What I'm trying to say is that LIFE ISN'T PERFECT. Even if it appears to be so for someone else, we all have our doubts and we all struggle. We have to hang on for the good, because it is always there. And sometimes, you have become comfortable with being uncomfortable... that's where you learn the most.
Now, onto the more FUN part of the blog: UPDATE OF MY ADVENTURES! I've made quite a few friends that live in my dorm. I spend most of my time in a group of girls from Russia and Sweden. It has been quite interesting hearing about their countries and way of life. We all speak English, but sometimes switch into Chinese depending on what we

talk about. Amanda and I are in the same Chinese class and we are excited to be together and have a friend in the class. She's hilarious and fun to talk to. We have been able to travel and explore together quite a bit the past few days and we are starting to get really close. It's nice to have friends here! On Tuesday (I think) we toured an art museum on the edge of the river and then visited a park. It was beautiful! I should

clarify, the parks here are paths weaving between trees walking around the river or body of water. It has been really nice to see blue sky while I'm here. Alice has lived here for a year already, but attended Central South University (which is down the street from Hunan Normal) so we also explored her old "stomping grounds". I have to mention how delicious mango is here. We tried this mango/shaved ice/coconut milk dessert thing and it's probably one of my favorites. Then, two days ago we all went to the Changsha

museum and had a blast looking at ancient artifacts. I will say this: we were having so much fun looking at these old wooden figures that were holding unique poses and we all tried to guess what dance move they were doing. yeah... the Chinese that were watching us looked at us like we were crazy because we were all dancing in front of these figurines. :) what a life. In all seriousness though, we all enjoyed learning more about Hunan province and the culture that has evolved over time. After the museum,

we found a neat park called "Martyr's Park". We walked around for hours talking, dancing, and having fun. Then, to finish the night strong, we went to KTV. If you don't
know what that is: you rent a room for approximately four hours and you sing karaoke and dance. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! We all were singing terribly, but just had fun taking turns being on stage and screaming at the top of our lungs. It was exactly what I

needed. Alice also showed us where a very Western style coffee shop is located near Hunan University. We spent three or four hours there a few days ago just relaxing, talking, and enjoying more Western style music. The guy who owns the shop is OBSESSED with Harley motorcycles and National Parks. When he found out I was American, he wanted to show me pictures and talk to me about the States. It was good to practice my Chinese, but he also practiced his English. Let me tell ya... to find this

place you have to walk down this really sketchy street, then down this really sketchy path, and through this really sketchy door. BUT, it was worth it. :) It was quite a find.
Earlier this week I went on an adventure with a guy that lives in the dorm named Shanoo. He is from Pakistan. We visited MeiXiHu Lake and watched a water show. Then, we listened to music at a bar before heading home. It was quite fun. Changsha at night

looks a lot like Salt Lake City, just longer, if that makes sense. I really enjoy walking along the river at night watching the lights of the city reflect in the water. It is starting to cool down here, which is a blessing. It has been SO FREAKIN hot here. I will be forever grateful for a working air conditioner and cold water. Also, this is the view from my

apartment! They are building a subway station just across the street, so it will extremely nice for all the students when it is finished. But the green mound you can see in the distance is party central. At night, there are colorful strobe lights that go off and there is always music playing.
Honestly, I have only been here for two weeks and it feels like so much longer. I have learned a great deal about myself and the culture of China, and can't wait to learn more. Here's to taking life one day at a time and living it to the fullest!