It's been a week and a half since I've written a post! I've missed it! :) Since my week long holiday, I've been very busy at work and school. Last Wednesday I gave a presentation on the topic of American culture. It was all in Mandarin, which was such an experience. I got to translate words like "yeehaw!" and "cowboy" which don't really translate into Mandarin. :) I even led the audience in yelling "YEEHAW!" while waving their hand in the air like a lasso. Yes. I did it. I know you wish you were there to see it. ;) It was SO much fun answering questions about cheeseburgers and National Parks. Bryce Canyon seemed to be a favorite which made me so happy! The weather is starting to get cold which meant a shopping trip last week! I found an underground mall that sells cheap clothes and even is willing to barter if you can speak their language. :) This view is from

my favorite spot to listen to music and enjoy the view during our breaks between classes. Yes, I am on the roof. Yes, I do have to climb through a window to get there, but I think it's worth it, right? Today it was raining and there were puddles on the roof so I spent a good ten minutes jumping in them and it was my favorite part of today. As you can see in the background, there is a mountain really close to campus. It is called "YueLu Mountain" which is where I escape to if I need time to relax. A few days ago it was such good weather so I was able to capture good pictures of where I hike. This is the entrance

to the park or hike. It is always so quiet there. I've spent quite a bit of time studying and thinking on the bridge. Now, these stairs are extremely steep and even falling apart so

as you can imagine, I have tripped multiple times because I don't look where I am walking. Once I reach the top it is worth the thirty minute climb up. There are such kind

people that live on the mountain. This door leads to a very large house that has an entire family living inside. They have the cutest kids! On the northern side of the mountain, there are ancient tombs that stand as reminders of an war that took place

on this mountain hundreds of years ago. It is my favorite to explore the mountain and find different plaques and try and read the traditional characters (I am studying simplified Chinese, so the characters may be considered more simple). Also, last week I was able to take my FAVORITE picture of the park I visit every so often. The sunset was my favorite shade of orange and I loved it! Life is a little crazy at the moment with my

responsibilities, but I am so grateful I have places I can escape to when I need it. This life truly is a great one. :)