After two weeks of searching, I FINALLY found the gentleman in charge of the American Studies Center, which is where I will be working this semester abroad. I was given the only key to the office. That's a lot of pressure: to have the only key. Hopefully I never lose it! :) Anyway, my the Center is located in the Foreign Studies building just behind my dorm. I get to climb six flights of stairs to get there everyday since there is no elevator. I get my cardio in, let me tell ya. :) On the bright side, I have a working air conditioner, which is so nice. When I opened the door, the first thing I saw was a cowboy hat hanging on the wall. I have never been more excited to see something so American in my entire life. :) It was extremely dirty when I first arrived since no one has worked there for three years, so the past week and a half has been cleaning, organizing, and meeting with

students. These pictures were all taken after I had spent about 6 hours cleaning/organizing, but I still have work to do. However, it looks SO much nicer. *self high five* My job description includes assisting in English lectures, hosting tutoring hours, preparing and presenting presentations on American culture, and helping the

professors any way I can. In the past week I have learned a great deal about wifi, internet, and how to set up a router with a password. I can say after several days, and asking many questions, I have protected internet access in my office! Now I can work on homework if I do not have a student to work with! *self high five* In all honesty, I love my office - which is technically called "The American Studies Center", but I like the ring of, "my office". I'll use them both. :) I have a pretty good set up here and I consider myself extremely fortunate. The week after National Holiday, I am giving a presentation on American culture, so I'll be sure to write about it! I was thinking about wearing the

hat when I give my presentation. I think it's a good idea. :) We will have to see. This week, Amanda and I have gone to dinner together a few times and it's been nice to have a friend. We are in the same class here, so we have gotten pretty close. In this picture we

we are at our favorite 麻辣汤restaurants in the food street by our dorm. You essentially get to choose what's in your hot pot. And, it's super cheap, which is nice. The food is extremely spicy here, but I no longer have to say, "我要不辣啊" or "I don't want it spicy" and eat it with a little spice. Yesterday it rained all day and it made me so happy! People

thought I was crazy wearing my Chacos and a short sleeve shirt, but I thought it was perfect. I went on a "mindfulness walk" last night and enjoyed the rain while listening to music. It was a perfect way to end the day. It is starting to cool down, which is a relief. I'm doing really well considering the stress the education here holds. We are asked to spend many hours studying after class every day, but one day at a time I'm doing it!
Next week we don't have class because of National Holiday, which means... VACATION! Stay tuned for pictures and stories! :)
I hope you all are doing well and loving life!