Hello everyone! First things first: I truly hope you are doing well. I hope you are enjoying school, work, and everything about life at this current moment. I miss you all!
Now, on Wednesday night I was eating dinner and suddenly I realized I was chewing something hard... IT WAS A FILLING ON MY MOLAR! Seriously, what are the odds that after two years of having the same filling, it decides to completely fall out of my mouth WHILE I AM IN FREAKIN CHINA! Seriously... What is happening to the world? I just keep telling myself: "there are worse things". haha. Anyway, I asked around and found a "Western style" dentist office just across the river. Xiu Ming helped me call to set up an appointment and I left right after class on Friday. ALSO, can we talk about how it was the first time I navigated Changsha by myself!? Yehaw! *self high five* The office was difficult to find because I had to navigate through a sketchy neighborhood. I counted thirteen chickens running in the shops and street. Also, five rats. It was very nice.

BUT, I was able to find the office, which was such a relief since I had never been this far south on the west side of the river. In the above picture, the dentist was in the second

tall building on the seventh floor. It was praying the dentist would be able to speak English and hoped it would clean. I mean, it makes sense, right? :) As I got off the elevator, I was so happy to see the entrance all lit up and inviting! In all honesty,

I wasn't worried going inside, which is SUCH a blessing. The receptionist and I spoke in Mandarin, but she helped me translate the medical forms into English because I don't know many words pertaining to health. They seemed to understand what I wanted done and I was led to a private room overlooking the river. It was actually quite pretty. As they began to work, I realized they were removing the remaining pieces of my filling before refilling it. DISCLAIMER FOR THE NEXT FEW SENTENCES: Do not be alarmed. One of the scariest things to ever hear in Mandarin is: "Ok. We are going to give you an injection." Before I knew it, there was a needle in my gums. Yep. Apparently it is supposed to strengthen my gums so the filling won't fall out again? But ummmm, yep. I can now say I have received a mystery injection in China. But I'm still breathing, so I think it's going to be ok. :)
Also on Friday, I finally got my student ID card! It's official! I am a student at Hunan Normal University! How cool is that?! In my picture, I look mad, but I promise I'm not,

they wouldn't let me smile. That's ok. Also, as promised, I was able to sneak a picture of what my classroom looks like. I spend three hours a day in this room! Yehaw! I have about fifteen people in my class, which is the largest I have ever had for Mandarin.

NOW to the adventure I've had this weekend... For those of you who don't know, my best friend is here in Changsha, but on the other side of the city. Ali is teaching English with ILP (International Language Program). Let me tell ya, she is such an amazing teacher and I am so proud of her! We were able to meet up this weekend and tour the Hunan Museum! I was also able to meet her group of teachers and it was so nice to spend time with them. It was also hilarious to have natives ask us all to take pictures

with them. Who knew we were also apart of the museum!? :) (In case you didn't know, the proper way to pose for a picture is to throw up a "peace sign"). After the museum, we went to TaiPing street and places near to find dinner. Ali showed me an amazing ice cream place and it was SO GOOD! Here in China, you have to eat it fast cause it melts

it less than two minutes! :) Later Saturday night, I wasn't feeling 100%, so we all went back to KaiFu (where Ali and the girls live) and had a sleepover. We shared Chinese snacks, talked, and watched a movie. Oh my gosh, it was SO MUCH FUN! Also, if you ask any of them, they will tell I have a prominent accent when I speak English. I got them all to laugh quite a bit, which was my favorite.
We were able to go to a Catholic church in KaiFu, which was such a neat experience on Sunday, as well as listen to part of our church via cellphone. People would talk to us as we were sitting outside, and I would translate for everyone. I was very impressed with myself and I am so grateful for the opportunity to practice. There was a couple that approached us with their adorable little girl and as I spoke with them, they handed me their little girl and asked to take a picture together. It was a little strange, I thought. And I

felt bad because I am sick, but they insisted I hold her and talk to her in simple English. I did, and it was definitely a highlight of this weekend.
If I am being completely honest with you, the past week and a half I have really struggled. I have struggled finding things that make me happy and have even struggled in class. For some reason, I began to think that I didn't want to be here! ALL OF THIS IS FALSE! The past few days I have realized how I have allowed myself to feel that way... I have allowed myself to sink into a state of "going through the motions". One of the greatest lessons I have learned from these past three weeks is this: HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE. I recognize in some circumstances it will be harder to make that choice, but I have realized it is worth it. This life is too great to not recognize the beauty around me. And I am CHINA! That is amazing! Every day I want to make the choice to be happy and to hang onto the things that make me smile. This life is a great one. One day at a time. :)
